become an author...with a group
Ask anyone for one of their dreams and you could well hear 'to write a book'. Everyone has a book in them but not everyone believes they can write.
Writing a book on your own is a lonely task (I've written 7 like that), joining a book collaboration however and writing a chapter of your own...your voice...your words...but with full support of a team and a 1:1 mentor, with your work all professionally edited and proof read is SO much more fun, enjoyable, achievable and faster.
You get to be a published author by contributing just ONE chapter.
Some of our authors have gone on to write their own books on the back of our collabs (having got their confidence and know-how up!).
Some write because they have personal stories to tell, in order to inspire others - others write to boost their career/business.
Either way...book collabs have made writing easier, faster and more enjoyable!
ABSOLUTELY NO EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY - that's the point, you'll be put through an author programme that helps you breaks down your chapter into bite size pieces and you deliver a short section each week for 4 weeks.
more info...
The theme
Each book has a 'theme' so everyone is writing on aspects of the same topic and it's my job as editor to bring the book together, making sure each author has their own voice and personality, that the book is cohesive for the reader.
The books I've written on my own have taken around 1 year each book - that's chipping away at it, around work and family.
Collab books are often a 4-6 month project with your input needed generally only for the first 8 weeks - that's 4 weeks of writing, delivering a short section of your chapter each week under my tutelage within the author programme and another 4 weeks where you'll need to be available to work with me on edits. The rest of the time is me organising the behind-the-scenes stages such as professional proof-reading, editing, type setting, layout, cover design and production plus the general look and feel of the book.
The Author Programme
For each collab, I put together an author programme specifically for that book - we all meet on Zoom once a week for around 90 minutes for me to share the details and concept of the book and give advice on writing/becoming an author. I often interview people on Zoom for inspiration/skills sharing or bring in guest authors for their knowledge and expertise.
Authors are put into small groups of around 5 people, usually on WhatsApp, so questions can be asked, support can be invited and authors can share how they're doing.
You are fully supported
Whether you already have experience of publishing/writing or you're brand new, I will fully support you in this process. You'll have direct access to me on WhatsApp, we can organise 1:1 chats and we'll be in contact closely when it comes to the edits for your chapter, we'll work together to get it just right and when the time comes for us to decide your chapter is finished, you'll sign your chapter off to give me permission to put it in the book- nothing will be published without your written agreement.
How and where are the books published?
The books are all self published through Amazon. It means they're on sale all around the world and are very easy to access and find on the net.
The 'launch' and the publicity
With so many authors on the writing team, we all become the publicity! Each author gets personalised material to send out to promote the big launch date, everyone is encouraged to talk on podcasts, write about the book, talk about it and invite people to the launch party- usually we have a Zoom launch party where we interview the authors etc - it's a VERY exciting time!
What's the cost?
There's a charge to joining a book collaboration. The cost depends on the type of book being written - for my collabs, they're usually between £350-£650 depending on the length and depth of the chapters. The charge supports the project from inception (idea) to being on Amazon as a professional book to buy - usually a 6-8 month project, it covers everything from the author programme, mentoring, editing, proofreading, book design and sales drivers.
Who gets the royalties?
Royalties are the monthly profits that are made from book sales and 100% of royalties from my book collabs go to charity - usually BaliStreetMums which is a very small and transparent charity in Bali.
collabs so far...
The Women who Gathered (A COLLAB WITH 34 WOMEN)
Published June 2021, available on Amazon £9.50
Amazon No. 1 BEST SELLER
Published November 2021
Published August 2023, available on Amazon No. 1 BEST SELLER
Gathering Women - A Woman's Voice is a Revolution - The Medicine Keepers & Spellcasters Guide to Sister Circles (A COLLAB WITH 50 WOMEN)
Publishing March 2024, available on Amazon